Index of Names, buried in the anonym Shaft Graves

Shaft graves at the main cemetery of St. Pölten, Group VI / 1a - 36a

The following persons were determined by Manfred Wieninger (St. Pölten) from the documents of the cemetery management as well as the death protocols and registration documents of the city and reporting archive St. Pölten. For many, only the first and last name and the position in the Schachtgrab are handed over. Where further information was available, the basic data and the place of birth were taken over in the sources. The Jewish burials are listed in the menu point Zwangsarbeitslager Viehofen. Many names include the cause of death and the place of death, the forced laborers and the foreign workers the labor camp. These data are passed on to us on request for scientific purposes or to relatives. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Adschi-Osmanowa Fatima
Alexandrovic Konstantin, born 15. 12. 1921, died  14. 3. 1945
Ambrozi Katharina
Amcha Veronica
Apasino (Apanasiv) Maxim, born  5. 3. 1903, died  28. 10. 1944, "Ostarbeiter" (Eastern Worker)
Avemaria Katharina

Balisa Isla 
Baliyk Wladimir 
Banaschak Sbignef
Banikow Anatol 
Bellan Robert Stef.
Biric Stefan 
Bogdan Dimitri  (Dimitric), died  16. 5. 1945, Hungarian war capivity
Bohn Anna
Bortschow Fedor
Bohn Anna 
Bortschow Fedor 
Boy Elisabeth, born  19. 2. 1896 in Paripas 610, Com. Bacsa, Hungary, died  15. 12. 1944
Brandhofer Michael 
Brujic Costin

Chetzuriai Semenko, propably ident with 
Chetzuriai Lemeki, born  24.3.1923, died  24. 5. 1945, Georgian Worker
Coronaczak  (Corowczak) Josef, born  20. 6. 1906, died  17. 12. 1944, prisoner 
Czech Wilhelm, born  8. 1. 1940, died  25. 2. 1945 

Damböck Leopold,  born  14. 7. 1871, died  17. 5. 1945 
Demuzkaja Ustina, born  15. 9. 1865, died  13. 7. 1944 
Dimitrio Georgi 
Djadowitsch Wolodimir 
Dnjtrenska Katharina 
Dobrowolski Tamara 
Dudek Josef 

Eckstein Rosa 
Efremidis Dimitru 
Ehrlich Katharina 
Engel (Frau), died  25. 4. 1945 

Feduniro (Feduniv) Michael, born   9. 10. 1909, died  13. 8. 1944 
Fendrich, Maria von, born  14. 12. 1891, died  13. 3. 1945 
Filz Karl 
Franic Marto 
Frimmel Marie, born  18. 12. 1905, died  27. 5. 1945 
Froh (born  Kitzler) Theresia, born  15. 10. 1866, died  30. 5. 1945 8 Uhr 4. 6. 1945

Gafilin Peter 
Gänger Johann 
Ganiew Batl (Berta) 
Gerber Jakob,  born  3. 11. 1884, 23. 4. 1945, farmer 
Gillarduzzi Franziska
Götz Katharina 
Gutzowarta Anastasia

Hauer Julie 
Heiling Hans 
Hendl (born  Ritzengruber) Rosalia, born  26. 8. 1865, died  27. 5. 1945 
Herzog Jenö, born  27. 9. 1902, died  22. 5. 1945, furriers
Hess Sebastian, born  30.3.1881 in Bapska Novak Nr. 176, Croatia, died  28. 11. 1944, farmer
Hofer, unknown
Horkawe Michael 
Hrichoron Pawel 
Huber Franz , born  6. 1. 1881, died  18. 4. 1945

Igorow Wasilic, born  3. 8. 1916, died  24. 8. 1944, soviet prisoner
Ilic Nikolai, born  15. 7. 1923,  died  17. 4. 1945
Isajew Pawel, born  29. 6. 1910 , died  19. 3. 1945, Worker
Iwanof Johann, died  19. 5. 1945, Ukrainian
Jakimenko Wladimir 
Jastrobow Ciril

Karatanassies Dimitru 
Knauer Elfriede, born  4. 10. 1913 in Gr. Liebenthal , died  25. 4. 1945 
Knauer Leopold, ca. 7 Jahre alt, born  in Gr. Liebenthal, died  25.4.1945
Kobitzky Konrad 
Kohn Laszlo, born  1912,  died  24. 5. 1945, Upholsterer
Kondratiew Georgi 
Kortschinelli Wasil, born  18. 12. 1924, died  16. 1. 1945 
Köstrer (Ihöstrer) Antonie, born  25. 2. 1856, died  26. 4. 1945 
Koutek Anastasia 
Kowalewsky Tatjana, born  26. 6. 1919,  died  15. 9. 1944, lab technician 
Kraft Johann, born  11. 8. 1872, died  6. 5. 1945 
Kudrjavzew Sawelin, born  5. 12. 1893, died  29. 9. 1944, Worker
Kyarfas (Gyarfas) Lajos, born  1. 8. 1902 in Ungarn, died  19. 5. 1945, Ingenieur

Lazzeri Paul 
Lefkowitz Moritz, born   9. 7. 1925, died  19. 5. 1945 
Leimer Leopold, born  4. 11. 1904, died  2. 4. 1945
Leputa Bronislav 
Lewcuk Anton, born  2. 9. 1922, died  11. 4. 1945, "Ostarbeiter" (Eastern Worker)
Lindenhofer (Frau)

Macroglu Georgius 
Maczejka Sofia 
Mamora Jusuw 
Mamara Imuv 
Meissen Johann, born  8. 11. 1914, died  28. 4. 1945 
Moduk Kurilek 
Möss Johann, born  15. 8. 1858, died   28. 4. 1945, "Umsiedler“ (resettler)
Mühlbacher Adele 
Muhr Johann, born  10. 5. 1922, died  31. 5. 1945 
Müller Johann 
Muschichon Ilja

Nalivkin Peter 
Nestoron Timoz 
Nikirpaowitsch Fedor 
Nikolai Andre 
Nowetschkow Filip 
Nurscher Josef, born  25. 2. 1881, died  30. 5. 1945, butcher Assistant

Olechwir Peter 
Osodtschug Sawil , born  5. 11. 1912, 4. 9. 1944, Russian war capivity
Osadtschuk Nikolai, born  10. 10. 1907, died  20. 3. 1945, Russian war capivity

Paar unknown
Pakula Mieczyslav, born  4. 10. 1913, died   8. 3. 1945 , Worker
Peduzzi Eduard, born  11. 2. 1885, died  2. 5. 1945, judiciary first secretary
Petruschka Iwan 
Petuchow Iwan, born  23. 7. 1916, died  20. 3. 1945, Russian war capivity
Plaschenik Iwan, born  2. 9. 1879, died  20. 1. 1945, Worker 
Plewin Dimitru 
Pludarius Theodorius 
Pölzl Franz 
Pomekka (Pomella) Josef, born  17. 3. 1861, died  28. 4. 1945 
Popof (Popow) Nikolaj, born 1925, died  5. 12. 1944, Worker
Ponomareff Georgej, born  7. 5. 1913, died  28. 1. 1945, Worker
Popowsky Anatoli, born 5. 2. 1920, died  19. 9. 1944, Railroad Worker
Portuhay (Portuhaj) Ahaphie, born  21. 4. 1906, died  3. 12. 1944, office attendant 
Prischenko Sergei , born  1924, died  4. 5. 1945 
Prisching Josef, born  9. 1. 1893, died  12. 4. 1945 
Prokopenko Alexander 
Pruschinsky Modja 
Püringer Franz

Ratz Eugen (Rácz Jenoe), Serbian Tradesman, born  18. 3. 1896, 26. 5. 1945, came from Concentration Camp Mauthausen
Radiuk Sergej
Ralico Isla died  April 1945
Riedler Antonia 
Riedler Gerti 
Rottelini Dominikus 
Ryba Jan

Sagorodny Nikolai 
Samaras Georgios, born  14. 9. 1923, died  10. 2. 1945, Worker 
Schaburin Pawel, born  15. 3. 1907, died  15. 3. 1945 
Schiefer Julianna 
Scholz Martha 
Schnabel Johann 
Scheyko Andrej, born  20. 1. 1926 in Rudnecky, Rayon: Barischowsky, Ukraine
Schultheis Julius, born  13. 8. 1905 in Budapest,  died  27. 5. 1945, Dentist
Sedelmeier Josef, born  5. 8. 1902, died  2. 5. 1945
Sefernigg Leopold 
Semantschenko Iwan
Semkow Stefan
Sidorenko Jakob 
Sidorenka Jakob, born  7. 5. 85 in Nepropetrowsk, Russia, died  17. 3. 1944, Co-Worker
Silkowsky Sigmund, born  3. 4. 1898, died  18. 5. 1945, polish master Sergant 
Simic Tusan 
Skorobohatsch Andrej 
Skripin Pieter 
Smolon Michail 
Snegowoi Iwan 
Sobolew Alexaj 
Soffranow Alexander, born  30. 3. 1906, died  27. 10. 1944, Russian war capivity
Solutschina Alexandra 
Stackl Anton 
Stangl Rosa, born  27. 5. 1894, died  27. 5. 1945, operator
Stefanow Gregori 
Steineder Karl
Swinarenko Forma, born  4. 10. 1896 in Nowo-Trojetzki, Kuban, Russia, died  4. 12. 1944,  Worker
Szombal Rosa 
Szpilka Kasimir, born  15. 12. 1893, died  3. 1. 1945, polish Worker

Tarasenko Timofej 
Dedesko (Tedesko) Giuseppe, born  19. 3. 1915, died  1. 5. 1945, Italian war capivity
Terejko Anton 
Terenty Antonow 
Timofsjewa (Timofejewa) Eugenija, born  1. 1. 1924, died  9. 10. 1944, Worker
Tkatsch Jefim
Traxler Pauline, born  1. 1. 1882, died  26. 4. 1945
Truglia Elena, born  10. 11. 1897, died  4. 12. 1944, Worker
Trupikowa Nina 
Tscheptscheuri Iwan, born  3. 4. 1894, died  10. 7. 1944, Worker
Tschernesky Peter, born  26. 2. 1924, died  8. 3. 1945, Worker
Tschernowa Natha, born  5. 5. 1923, died  19. 4. 1945, Kindergarten teacher

Uniska Iwan, born  10. 9. 1902, died  10. 11. 1944, farm worker

Valtl Eugenia ? 
Vater Sophie, born  25. 3. 1869, died  13. 5. 1945
Vistizenko Konstantin, born  1. 10. 1898, died  28. 5. 1945, ukrainian Co-Worker
Walintschenko Valentin , born  3. 11. 1919, died  6. 12. 1944, "Ostarbeiter" (Eastern Worker)
Wasganowa Pazeni 
Werbitzky Pawel 
Wimmer Friedrich, died  28. 5. 1945
Winkler Amalia 
Woroljina Marina 
Wowk Katharina, born  24. 12. 1922, died  6. 1. 1945

Zagler Rudolf, died  27. 5. 1945
Zigua Iwan 
Zima Stanislaus 
Zulin Tichon, born  15. 8. 1935, died  16. 4. 1945

Four unknown women
nine unknown men
two unknown Russian war capivity
two unknown Russian soldiers
one unknown Russian first lieutenant

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