Partial Project

The project combined historical research into the Jewish history of St. Pölten and the surrounding area - the pupils' habitat - with the topic of migration which is still a topic of discussion today.

In the first subproject, the creation of a questionnaire on "Migration and Memory", the focus was on the awareness and analysis of own and other migration experiences. The importance of migration and memory has also been explored. To this end, an anonymous survey on the 6th class of the BG / BRG Josefstraße and BRG / BORG Schulring pupils was asked about their knowledge of symbols of Jewish memory in St. Pölten and their attitudes to migration, integration and exclusion. The purpose of this survey was not to establish an existing level of knowledge or information. More importantly, the goal was to make the pupils aware of the importance of remembrance for their collective identity. Means was the development, distribution and evaluation of a questionnaire under methodological guidance from the project team. The pupils of the 6E of the BRG / BORG Schulring developed questions with which their colleagues dealt with the epistemological questions of the project - what does migration mean, how is it remembered and strengthened? - most effectively. 

„A very interesting project that brought me closer to my home community. It was a whole new experience to distribute questionnaires in other classes and to keep logs.“

In the second subproject, pupils from the BRG / BORG Schulring (school year 2010/11) and the grades 7N1 and 7GN of the BG / BRG Josefstraße (school year 2011/12) dealt with migration through the life memories of Jewish Austrians archived at INJOEST , In introductory workshops, working with autobiographical sources has been learned. A project month allowed the students to analyze several very different life histories.

Through the work in small groups an intensive discussion with the sources took place. The students asked questions on the respective text and the related topic, worked out common aspects in all life stories, tried to explain incomprehensible terms for them, and drew up questions and theses on the basis of their newly gained insights. 

„This analysis was very exciting for us and also led to discussions in the group as there were different views and interpretations, and of course that also inspired us to think. What does home mean to me? What is my identity? Thus it was not a pure work in the "past." Rather, we realized that these topics, such as groups, immigration, identity, ..., are still very relevant to us today, and now we see this project as a great enrichment.“ Evelyn Torosian, 8 A, BORG Schulring

In the third subproject, Iris Palenik explored the Jewish migration to Austria in today's borders from 1848 (revolution) to 1921 (annexation of the Burgenland). Within the framework of the planned study, the theses developed by the students will also be considered.

At the closing session on 19th September 2012 in the former synagogue, the project staff, a teacher and above all the pupils presented their findings and findings. The oral statements, posters, collages, PP presentations and, in particular, the film shot by a voluntary group of the BG Josefstrasse "Tell me where the Jews are. St. Pölten's forgotten Jewish community "found great recognition and much applause.